Irbis Thatcher

Thatch - IMPLEMENTATION IN monuments

it is a dilemma: preservation of the original way of performing, whether health and safety. If it is an inhabited object, conservation supervision usually recognizes that the living conditions of residents are more important than strict adherence to ancient technology.

Thatch - relocated monuments

It often happens that, on the one hand, for the sake of tradition, on the other hand, in search of the climate of the old village, the destruction of wooden cottages is transferred to a place that guarantees the survival of the object.

An antique wooden cottage, made in coronal technology, on the dovetail with shrovetide Historic cottage - bake with a refill before renovation Historic wooden cottage - living room before renovation Historic wooden hut - we used long straw to cover it Historic wooden cottage - on the monument our method of covering looked too perfect, that's why the investor commissioned her stylization for the original, the effect of which can be seen in the picture

It is an opportunity to repair the construction, which will allow you to enjoy your home for many years, but also requires a completely new coverage. In this case, we are available for both carpentry and the construction of thatched roofs.

An antique wooden cottage, made in coronal-ząbbowej technology, on the dovetail with shrovetide Historic wooden cottage - bake with a pot, after moving Historic wooden cottage - living room after renovation Historic wooden hut - the nature of the object required at least the visual behavior of the original thatch technology, hence its binding has grown Historic wooden hut - on the monument our method of covering with thatched roofs looked too perfect, that's why the investor ordered the stylization of thatch on the original, the effect of which can be seen in the picture

Thatch - replacement on monuments

It happened that we restored the buildings that sometimes reached their magnificence up to the seventeenth century. On the one hand, the implementation of such a roof is a very interesting experience, allowing to learn the methods and methods used several centuries earlier. Who would have thought that 300-400 years ago, hand-forged steel hooks were used to attach the thatch, and the wooden structure was connected with wooden "nails". In the photos the roof whose age was determined for 300 years. In England, the exchange of thatch occurs extremely badly, because the cover is repaired by adding another layer.

Strzecha w Anglii do dnia dzisiejszego bywa mocowana, przynajmniej w okapie, hakami metalowymi Dębowa konstrukcja dachu siedziby angielskiego wielmnoży, sprzed 300 lat, która była montowana z użyciem drewnianych ćwieków Sposób realizacji pozwalający na częściowe uzgodnienia z konserwatorem zabytków - strzecha słomiana

It has its consequences - several centuries of such repairs and coating thickness reaches a lot more than 1 meter. On the object from the photographs, the bottom layer of the thatch was covered with smoke sludge for three hundred years, which additionally preserved it, and in the upper part we got a chromium-nickel wire, whose production technology was certainly unknown at that time. One of the pictures shows the original way of creating walls, as a hazel filament, filled on both sides with a layer of clay. As a result of the renovation, we had to make a new roof, in technology similar to the original. [...] Before renovation

Sposób w jaki 300 lat temu mocowano okap słomianej strzechy Zabytkowa siedziba angielskiego wielmnoży, sprzed 300 lat - sposób budowy ścian z uzyciem leszczyny i gliny Efekt końcowy renowacji/wymiany strzechy słomianej w Anglii - tu można zobaczyć jak słoma układa się na dachu

Problem - thatch - monument?

We offer the implementation of thatched straw or reed coverings. We recommend contacting you at the planning stage! In order to cooperate, please send the required information:

  • roof surface;
  • type of object;
  • what's thatch (straw, reed);
  • required security;
  • the planned date and time of execution;
  • contact (telephone, address);

The term of the order depends on the availability of material (straw), time-consuming - with large facilities, it may be more necessary to book a free time, allowing for the execution of the order.

The cost of making thatch is dependent:

  • from the size of the thatched surface;
  • type of thatch, assembly method;
  • on the number of windows, chimneys, etc .;
  • from the scope of work to be carried out (construction, security, insulation, etc.);
  • location.

We issue invoices. We issue invoices. We provide a 10-year warranty for works made from scratch by our company!

Thatch - Fast contact


Do you have a question? You need help? Contact us using the form below - we will answer as soon as possible!